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Children’s Chorus- March Update
Hello! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the spring time! The weather is a little back and forth but it's lovely to have some nice warm days sprinkled into our weeks. 🙂 I wanted to give you an update and a quick schedule as we look … [Read More...] Children’s Chorus- March Update

Children’s Chorus is Back
Hello Children's Chorus Parents! We are back at it tomorrow and looking forward to enjoying some time together. We will gather in Kappeler hall to watch the musical and enjoy some popcorn. We hope to see you tomorrow at 5:30. 🙂 Elsa Wiese and the Children's Chorus Team Elsa Wiese Check out … [Read More...] Children’s Chorus is Back

Musical Tomorrow!
Hello! We had a great rehearsal today and I am so looking forward to tomorrow! There are many important reminders and pieces of information below. Please read it all carefully and let me know if you have any questions. Schedule: Please arrive no later than 8:00am. If your choir member has a role that requires … [Read More...] Musical Tomorrow!

Dress Rehearsal
Hello Children's Choir Parents, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are getting excited about the Christmas season. We are so looking forward to sharing the Christmas musical with you and we are working hard to get everything ready. If you need a reminder of what is coming up in December, please … [Read More...] Dress Rehearsal

Thank You and Speaking Rehearsal
Hello Children's Chorus Parents! It was such a joy to sing in the service last week. Thank you for the time and energy you spent to prepare your singer or singers for the service and I know it was a blessing to so many in our church. It was wonderful to join with the … [Read More...] Thank You and Speaking Rehearsal

Singing on November 10- Final Info
Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning! There are a couple of things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am in Kappeler (downstairs from where you check in on Wednesdays) to check-in. Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and … [Read More...] Singing on November 10- Final Info

Singing on November 10
Hello Children’s Choir Parents! The choir will be singing in the service this coming Sunday, November 10. The kids have been working hard and we are looking forward to worshiping with you. A few reminders: Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights or pants and … [Read More...] Singing on November 10

October 27 Rehearsal – Speaking Roles Only
Hello! We had great rehearsals this week for the Children's Chorus! We're well on our way with the choreography and getting everything in order for our Sunday, November 10 service. On the schedule you can see a rehearsal listed for this Sunday, October 27, however we will not have a full choir rehearsal. So, … [Read More...] October 27 Rehearsal – Speaking Roles Only

October 20 Rehearsal
Hello! I hope you are having a great week and are looking forward to all the fall things. 🙂 We are getting ready for the upcoming performances with the Children's Chorus and we are excited to worship with you soon! To help us prepare for the Christmas Musical, we will have a rehearsal this … [Read More...] October 20 Rehearsal

2024 Cast List
Hello! We're excited to announce the cast list and role description for the musical! You can find it along with a lot of other important information including a schedule for rehearsals on our Parent Page. Don't forget the password to the Christmas Musical page is sing. The choir members with large speaking roles will be rehearsing this Sunday, … [Read More...] 2024 Cast List

Choir Recap and Christmas Musical
Hello! We had a great time singing together and getting to know each other in Children's Chorus this past Wednesday. We look forward to our regular rehearsals happening each Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 pm. If you would like to keep up with the information for Children's Chorus, we have a Parent Page with everything you need … [Read More...] Choir Recap and Christmas Musical

First Rehearsal Fall 2024
Dear Children’s Chorus Parents, Today is the big day! I’m looking forward to singing, learning, and worshiping together with the kids and we so appreciate your participation and support. I apologize if this email is coming to you and you are either a past choir member or are not registered for choir this … [Read More...] First Rehearsal Fall 2024

Resuming Rehearsal and Family Party News
Hello Children’s Chorus Parents, It was a joy to celebrate Easter as a church family yesterday! We will resume children’s chorus rehearsals this Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 and we are looking forward to preparing for Mother’s Day on May 12! On our original schedule, we have our family party on Sunday, May 5 from 1:15-2:30 pm. … [Read More…] Resuming Rehearsal and Family Party News

No Rehearsal 3/27/24
Hello! What a great day we had on Sunday! It was a joy to have the Children’s Choir lead us in worship and singing and many people in our church have said what a blessing it was to have the children lead us. I’m so proud of their hard work and hearts for the Lord. … [Read More…] No Rehearsal 3/27/24

Singing for Palm Sunday
Hello! We have been having a great time in Children's Choir this year. The kids are learning about breathing, singing as if they were one voice, and doing our best to communicate the message of the song with our faces and our expression of the lyrics. We're excited to sing in the morning service … [Read More...] Singing for Palm Sunday

Back Together 1.10.24
Hello! I hope you had a great Christmas holiday and a happy New Year. We rested and now we're back at it this Wednesday from 5:30-6:30. 🙂 We will all meet downstairs in Kappeler and we are looking forward to leading in a couple of our worship services and learning more about what it … [Read More...] Back Together 1.10.24

Final Musical Info
Hello! We had a great rehearsal today. The choir members really worked hard to pull it all together and we are looking forward to our performance tomorrow. We will have one final run-through tomorrow morning beginning at 8:00am. It is so important that everyone is here and ready to go right at 8:00am tomorrow, … [Read More...] Final Musical Info

Performance Week Information
Hello Everyone! It's a BIG week. There is a lot of information below so please read it carefully. Thank you in advance for all of your support and getting the kids where they need to be. 🙂 Schedule: Wednesday 12/13 - Dress rehearsal 5:30-6:30 PM Wednesday 12/13 - Tech rehearsal with mics 6:30-8:00 PM … [Read More...] Performance Week Information

Tracks and Parent Page
Hello again, Sorry for more emails in the same night, but I realized my last one was a bit incomplete. Did you know that we have a parent page for our Children's Choir parents? We do! It has everything you need including a schedule, listening tracks for the musical and a copy of every … [Read More...] Tracks and Parent Page

December 3 Rehearsal
Hello! Our final Sunday rehearsal will take place THIS Sunday, December 3 from 12:30-2:30pm. All speaking roles will stay until 3:30pm. We will serve Costco pizza and then we will go into the Sanctuary for a very important all cast rehearsal. Please try your best to be present for this rehearsal! I know I … [Read More...] December 3 Rehearsal

Thank you – Nov. 19
Hello! What a wonderful time of worship we had this past Sunday! Thank you for all of your support and encouragement as we sang in the service. I know it can be an extra commitment to arrive early, get the attire, etc. It is such a blessing for our church when the children … [Read More...] Thank you – Nov. 19

Reminder for singing on Nov. 19
Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning! There are a couple of things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am in Christiansen (where you check in on Wednesdays) to check-in. Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights … [Read More...] Reminder for singing on Nov. 19

Singing on November 19
Hello Children's Choir Parents! We are excited about singing in the service this coming Sunday, November 19. The choir kids have been working hard and we are looking forward to worshiping with you. A few reminders: Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights or pants … [Read More...] Singing on November 19

Second Choreography Rehearsal
Hello! We're back at it for this Sunday! We will have another motions rehearsal this Sunday from 12:30-2:30pm. Students with larger speaking roles are asked to stay until 3:30pm. We will serve Costco Pizza and then get working on learning the motions for our final four songs. We could use some help … [Read More...] Second Choreography Rehearsal

First Choreography Rehearsal
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall days we are having. What a blessing to be outside during the changing seasons. 🙂 I wanted to remind you that we have a choreography rehearsal this Sunday from 12:30-2:30pm and then those with large roles will stay until 3:30pm. Children who need … [Read More...] First Choreography Rehearsal

Christmas Musical Things
Hello, Children's Chorus Parents! We're having a great time meeting each week and singing together. It has been such a blessing to me and our team to get to know each one of our choir members and we are looking forward to the year ahead. There are a couple of things coming up that I … [Read More...] Christmas Musical Things

Singing for Mother’s Day 23
Hello Chorus Parents! The vocal track for "Yes, My Lord" is updated on the webpage. It's not the best thing I've ever made and its just the vocals without the piano, but it will still be a useful tool for jogging the memory. 😉 The kids should know which part they sing, high or low. For … [Read More...] Singing for Mother’s Day 23

Listening Links
Hello! We're looking forward to Singing on Sunday! I told the kids this evening that they would need to refresh their memories by listening to the music for Sunday at least once or twice. I really said 4 times, but I know that you are very busy people, 🙂 so once or twice is great. … [Read More...] Listening Links

Rehearsal Reminder
Hello! This is a reminder that we have a regular Children's Choir rehearsal tonight from 5:30-6:30pm. This is a very important rehearsal as we are putting the final touches on our songs for Sunday. Pick up will take place from Christiansen where you drop them off. If your child has not been to at least … [Read More...] Rehearsal Reminder

Singing for Palm Sunday
Hello Chorus Parents! I hope you are enjoying your week. The Children's Choir is looking forward to this Sunday when we will sing in the morning service. I'll have more information about the details for Sunday coming soon, but there are a few reminders below as we prepare. Please let me know as soon as … [Read More...] Singing for Palm Sunday

No Rehearsal – March 8
Hello! This is a reminder that there is no Children's Chorus rehearsal or AWANA tomorrow evening at The Moody Church. We hope to see you again next week! Thanks so much and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Blessings, Elsa

Sunday Performance
Hello, It’s here, tomorrow is the big day! The kids worked so hard this afternoon – I am so proud of them, please tell them I said so. Here are a couple of reminders for tomorrow: Please have your child in their costume and ready to go at 8am in Christiansen. Please … [Read More…] Sunday Performance

Saturday Rehearsal
Hello Parents! I hope you have had a great week. This is a reminder that we have a dress rehearsal tomorrow from 8:30-12:30am tomorrow. Please note that only students with large speaking roles need to arrive at 8:30am (names below). Everyone else should come at 9:30am. If your child did not have their costume during … [Read More…] Saturday Rehearsal

Solos and Costumes
Hello, I hope you’ve had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We’re looking forward to the Children’s Choir Christmas Musical in just a few short weeks. I’ve posted the solo assignments and costume instructions on the webpage. If you are having trouble accessing them, please let me know. Just as a reminder here is our upcoming schedule. Wed 11/30 – 5:30-6:30 … [Read More…] Solos and Costumes

Singing Reminder
Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning as a part of our Thanksgiving Festival Sunday! There are a couple of things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am in Christiansen to check-in. Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights … [Read More…] Singing Reminder

Singing on November 20
Hello Children’s Choir Parents! We are excited about singing in the service this coming Sunday, November 20. The kids have been working hard and we are looking forward to worshiping with you. A few reminders: Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights or pants and everyone … [Read More…] Singing on November 20

Christmas Choreography 2 Reminder
Hello Parents, I hope you are having a great Saturday! This is a reminder that we have another Choreography rehearsal TOMORROW from 12:30-2:30pm. You can drop off your children in Christiansen as you would for a normal rehearsal. If you haven’t already RSVP’d using this form, please do so. Also, the downloadable listening links for the musical … [Read More…] Christmas Choreography 2 Reminder

Christmas Choreography 1 Reminder
Hello! This is just another quick reminder to let me know if your child(run) will be attending our choreography rehearsals this Sunday and next Sunday from 12:30-2:30. You can RSVP using this link. Those with larger speaking roles will stay for an extra rehearsal from 2:30-3:30. Children will check in and out from Christiansen … [Read More…] Christmas Choreography 1 Reminder

Christmas Choreography 1 & Tracks
Hello, Parents! I just wanted to send a quick reminder that we will be having a choreography rehearsal this Sunday from 12:30-2:30pm. Kids with large speaking roles will stay for an extended rehearsal until 3:30pm. We will plan to check-in in the same location we do for our Wednesday rehearsals. These choreography … [Read More…] Christmas Choreography 1 & Tracks

Thank you – Summer Break
Hello! I want to say a HUGE thank you to the kids for their singing this past Sunday. I was so encouraged by their participation in the service and was so proud of their preparation. Please tell them that our church was blessed by their singing and I am super proud of them. ? … [Read More…] Thank you – Summer Break

Singing for Mother
Hello Parents! As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning. There are a couple of things to note below: If you know your child will not be singing with us on Sunday, please let me know ASAP. I know you can’t always predict sickness, but if you’re going to be … [Read More…] Singing for Mother

Family Party – Singing on May 8
Hello! I hope you have had a great couple of weeks! We are excited about many things that are coming up for Children’s Choir. First, we are having our family party THIS Sunday, May 1 from 1-2:30pm. I’ve sent out an evite and I apologize that many of you may have just gotten … [Read More…] Family Party – Singing on May 8

Rehearsal Tomorrow – April 20
Hello! We’re looking forward to resuming rehearsal tomorrow from 5:30-6:30pm. Awana is also resuming. In choir, we are working toward the next time we sing in the morning service which is on May 8, Mother’s Day! As a reminder/save the date, our family party is scheduled for Sunday, May 1 from 1:00-2:30pm. We will enjoy … [Read More…] Rehearsal Tomorrow – April 20

Palm Sunday Thank You
Hello! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Children’s chorus for such a wonderful service on Sunday! I’m proud of your participation in leading our church in worship and for all of your work in learning all of the music. The kids did so well and I had many people come to me to … [Read More…] Palm Sunday Thank You

Palm Sunday Listening Links
Hello Parents! As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning, what a great way to begin Holy Week! There are a couple of things to note below: Please have the kids ready to go at 8:30am in Christiansen. You know this already, but a good breakfast really helps the kids … [Read More…] Palm Sunday Listening Links

Palm Sunday Listening Links
Hello Parents, We are just a couple of weeks away from Palm Sunday! I wanted to let you know that I’ve updated the listening links on our Parent Page for any practicing needs. Some of the songs don’t have tracks but I’ve posted the lyrics in case that is helpful. As a … [Read More…] Palm Sunday Listening Links

No Rehearsal – February 2
Hello Chorus Parents! This is a reminder that there is no Children’s Chorus rehearsal or AWANA this week. We hope you enjoy the break and perhaps hunker down for the predicted snow day. ? The Moody Bible Institute’s Founder’s Week Conference will be streaming live this week starting Tuesday evening, you can … [Read More…] No Rehearsal – February 2

Rehearsal Starting Wednesday – Jan 12
Hello Chorus Parents! I hope each of you had a joyful time celebrating Christmas with family and friends. Thank you to each of you for and especially to the kids for their wonderful presentation of “It All Happened in the Country.” I had so many people express their appreciation for the kids, both … [Read More…] Rehearsal Starting Wednesday – Jan 12

Sunday Performance – Musical
Hello, It’s here, tomorrow is the big day! The kids worked so hard this afternoon – I am so proud of them, please tell them I said so. ? Here are a couple of reminders for tomorrow: Please have your child in their costume and ready to go at 8am in … [Read More…] Sunday Performance – Musical

Saturday Rehearsal
Hello! We are looking forward to rehearsal tomorrow! As a reminder, there are two separate call times tomorrow morning. 8:30am-9:30am is large speaking roles. So that will include only the kids listed below. The full choir is rehearsing from 9:30am-12:30pm. There will be a short break for a snack but please make sure … [Read More…] Saturday Rehearsal

Performance Week Schedule and Solos
Hello! It’s the big week and I am getting so excited to see how it is all going to come together. There’s important information below! SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK 12/15 – 5:30-6:30pm regular rehearsal in the Sanctuary (No costumes) 12/15 – 6:30-8:00pm Large Speaking roles, Small Speaking roles and solos rehearsal (small … [Read More…] Performance Week Schedule and Solos

Children’s Chorus – Christmas reminders
Hello Parents, We’re back! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and that you were able to enjoy some good food and time off. We’re looking straight at Christmas now! We will see you on Wednesday for rehearsal as usual from 5:30-6:30pm. The whole choir will be rehearsing in Kappeler this week. … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus – Christmas reminders

Thank You
Hello Children’s Chorus Parents, We had such a wonderful morning today! I am so proud of how the children sang today and their part in the ministry of our church. Please tell them I am so thankful for their hard work and that I loved singing with them this morning. Thanks for all … [Read More…] Thank You

Singing on Nov. 21
Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning as a part of our Thanksgiving Festival Sunday! There are a couple of things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am in Christiansen to check-in. Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts … [Read More…] Singing on Nov. 21

Speaker Rehearsal & Reminders
Hello! I hope you are having a great weekend. We had SNOW today! I just wanted to send a quick reminder about our speaker rehearsal this Sunday, November 14 from 12:30-2:30pm in the Sanctuary. The rehearsal is only for those with large speaking roles (listed below). Everyone else can continue to watch … [Read More…] Speaker Rehearsal & Reminders

Choreography and November 21
Hello, Parents! We had a great rehearsal on Sunday and absolutely 0 pizza snafus! Thanks so much for incorporating Children’s Chorus into your Sunday for the past two weeks. I also want to say a huge thank you to Jocelyn Carter who is a choreographer extraordinaire and has been doing a fantastic job … [Read More…] Choreography and November 21

Costumes and Calendar
Good Morning! I hope you are all having a great weekend. There are a few things I need to highlight regarding our Christmas Musical. Please see what’s going on below. Costumes The costume instructions are attached to this email and uploaded to our Christmas Musical webpage. Most kids will be dressed as … [Read More…] Costumes and Calendar

Solo Tryouts
Good Morning, I forgot to mention something important in my email last night! Our musical has many opportunities for solos and if your child would like to be considered for a solo, I’d love to hear them sing before or after our upcoming rehearsals. Any child in Children’s Chorus can try out for … [Read More…] Solo Tryouts

Week 7
Hello Parents! We are on week 7 – wow! We had a great choreography rehearsal on Sunday. There was a small debacle with the pizza, but the kids were troopers and they did get to eat pizza in the end. ? We will have a place to view the videos of the choreography on … [Read More…] Week 7

Choreography Reminder
Hello, Parents! I just wanted to send a quick reminder that we will be having a choreography rehearsal this Sunday from 12:30-2:30pm. Kids with large speaking roles will stay for an extended rehearsal until 3:30pm. This week, we can meet in Kappeler Hall (downstairs from where we check in on Wednesdays), so please send … [Read More…] Choreography Reminder

Week 6 – Choreography!
Hello Parents, We are having such a great time singing together on Wednesday evenings! I’m so grateful for your encouragement and support as you bring your kids and help them be prepared each week. We have a couple big weeks ahead with Christmas Musical preparation. All the information you need is below and on … [Read More…] Week 6 – Choreography!

Week 5 – Volunteer needs
Hello! We’re excited for another week of singing together. You know, I thought we were done with outdoor rehearsals, but we just might get another one this Wednesday. The weather is supposed to be nice so I will email again on Wednesday morning to say whether we will rehearse outside. Thanks so much for … [Read More…] Week 5 – Volunteer needs

Week 4 – Inside Check In
Hello! It’s hard to believe that we are approaching week 4 of Children’s Chorus! We so appreciate all your support and encouragement as we begin this ministry again. It has been a joy to be able to sing together and to worship the Lord. We plan to rehearse inside this week, and we … [Read More…] Week 4 – Inside Check In

Cast List
Hello! I’m so excited for our upcoming Christmas Musical – yes, that’s right, Costco is not the only place preparing for Christmas. ? The kids in 3rd-5th grade have worked hard and taken many risks by auditioning for our musical and I’m so happy for their willingness to sing and interact with their friends. … [Read More…] Cast List

Week 3
Hello Chorus Parents! This is a bit of a longer email. Thanks for bearing with me! We will rehearse outside on the roof deck this Wednesday, September 29, so please make sure your child has a jacket as it gets chilly right about 6:15. Please use the kiosks on the second floor to check in … [Read More…] Week 3

2 More Musical Tryouts!
Hello Parents! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weekend – seems like fall here to stay. ? On the Children’s Chorus schedule, we have musical tryouts this Sunday from 12:30-1pm in the choir room. This tryout is for kids in grades 3-5 and we will be doing some reading and singing. The reading … [Read More…] 2 More Musical Tryouts!

Week 2 + Musical Tryouts!
Hello Children’s Chorus Families. What a special time of singing we had this past Wednesday! It was a blessing to see old and new faces and to gather once again to praise the Lord. Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we continue to figure out the best way to sing together this … [Read More…] Week 2 + Musical Tryouts!

First Rehearsal Info
Hello Parents! We’re so excited to start singing together tomorrow night. There are a few things you’ll need to know before we get started so I appreciate you taking the time to read all the information below. The great news is that all of this information and more can be found on our parent … [Read More…] First Rehearsal Info

2021 Fall Registration
Hello Moody Church Parents! For those who don’t know me, my name is Elsa Wiese and I direct the Children’s Chorus at The Moody Church. Even though the choir had fun doing the virtual choir and singing for Palm Sunday last year, we are so excited to be resuming in person this fall. We’re … [Read More…] 2021 Fall Registration

2021 Update
Hello Children’s Chorus Parents! We have a quick update to let you know that we are planning to go full steam ahead with Children’s Chorus this fall! We hope you’ll join us for this exciting year of worshiping and building our voices together. Mark your calendars for September 8 at 5:30pm for our first rehearsal. … [Read More…] 2021 Update
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 18 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 18 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 17 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 17 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 16 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 16 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 15 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 15 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 14 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 14 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 13 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 13 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 12 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 12 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 11 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 11 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 10 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 10 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 9 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 9 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 8 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 8 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 7 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 7 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 6 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 6 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 5 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 5 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 4 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 4 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 3 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 3 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 2 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 2 Rehearsal.
Virtual Children’s Choir – Week 1 Video
Click Read More to get a link to our Week 1 Rehearsal.

Fall 2021 Plans
Hello Moody Church Parents! I hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying this fall weather. I’m emailing to tell you that the Children’s Chorus at Moody Church is going to be starting up again soon! We can’t meet in person, but there will be video content available to view on Wednesdays and we … [Read More…] Fall 2021 Plans

Mother’s Day Song
Hi Chorus Parents, I hope you are doing well! What a beautiful couple days we’ve had. ? Though we weren’t able to sing like we normally would on Mother’s Day, I’m so grateful that some were able to participate virtually by sending in your recordings. It turned out so well – a HUGE thanks to Pastor … [Read More…] Mother’s Day Song

Palm Sunday Videos
Hello, Children’s Chorus Parents. I hope you are doing well! We were scheduled to sing in the morning service this Sunday, and though we won’t be able to sing as a choir, we’ve thought of a way to still include the kids in the service. It requires a little bit of video help from … [Read More…] Palm Sunday Videos

COVID 19 Update
Hello Chorus Parents, At this time the Elders have decided to suspend all weekly activities at the church. The Children’s Chorus will not meet until further notice. Be sure to check out the parent page next week for musical resources for you and your family! Love to you all from Miss Elsa and … [Read More…] COVID 19 Update

No Rehearsal March 18
Hello Chorus Parents, I hope you are all doing well even under the current circumstances. If you were able to watch the service on Sunday, you will know that the Elders have agreed to cancel all Church activities this Wednesday. So there will be no Children’s Chorus on the 18th. This is the only … [Read More…] No Rehearsal March 18

Update – Not Singing Feb 16
Hello Parents, You’ll notice by the subject of this post that there was a small miscommunication last night. Earlier this year the upper choir chose to learn the hymn “How Great Thou Art” during our rehearsal time. I mentioned last night that we would be singing this hymn during the service this coming … [Read More…] Update – Not Singing Feb 16

No Rehearsal Feb 5
Hello Parents! This is a reminder that there is NO rehearsal this Wednesday, February 5. The church will be the site for the evening sessions of Moody Bible Institute’s Founders Week. If you would like to attend or listen online you can find out more information at https://www.moodyconferences.com/foundersweek. Enjoy your week and … [Read More…] No Rehearsal Feb 5

First Rehearsal of 2020
Hello Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful and restful break. We’re looking forward to our first rehearsal of 2020 this Wednesday, Jan 8 from 5:30-6:30pm and we hope to see the kids there. We will be watching a portion of the Christmas musical and eating popcorn – it will be a fun … [Read More…] First Rehearsal of 2020

Musical Thank You!
Hello Chorus Parents, What a wonderful day we had yesterday, please tell your kids that I am so proud of them! Seriously, they worked so hard and it all came together well! Thank YOU for getting them to rehearsal each week, especially those extra rehearsals, and for all the hours you spent listening to … [Read More…] Musical Thank You!

Musical Tomorrow!
Hello Chorus Parents! We had a great rehearsal today. There is SO much to do in this musical and everyone is working hard to make it all happen. I am so proud of the kids and very much looking forward to tomorrow. Please arrive at 8am with costumes on. Drop off and … [Read More…] Musical Tomorrow!

Musical Week Info
Good Morning. We have a big week ahead of us and I know that this is just one thing among the many that have on your plate this week, so thank you in advance for your time and effort! Schedule: Wed 12/18 – Dress rehearsal from 5:30-8pm With costumes You’ll notice that I’ve … [Read More…] Musical Week Info

Solo Rehearsal
Hello, Chorus Parents! We are in full swing for the Christmas Musical now. Please keep listening to the CD and probably, more importantly, watching the choreography videos. ? This Sunday, December 8, we will be having a rehearsal for all those who have been assigned a solo. Please see the email from … [Read More…] Solo Rehearsal

Thanksgiving – Thank You
Hello, What a beautiful Monday! I am so grateful for all the kids and their hard work yesterday, they did a great job and I’m so proud of them. It was a true joy for me personally and I know it was a blessing to our church. There is NO rehearsal this … [Read More…] Thanksgiving – Thank You

UPDATE Singing on Nov 24
Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning as a part of our Thanksgiving Festival Sunday! There are a couple of things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am in Christiansen to check-in. Uniform is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can … [Read More…] UPDATE Singing on Nov 24

Singing on Nov 24
Hello Chorus Parents, I hope you had a great weekend! A couple of quick things for this week. The rehearsal this Wednesday is very important for us as we will be combining our choirs to prepare for this coming Sunday. If your child has missed the past two rehearsals, it is possible … [Read More…] Singing on Nov 24

Request and Costume Update
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the nicer weather today. ? As promised here is my small request and also maybe a little bit of direction for our Christmas Musical costumes. The request: We will need some Christmas decorations and wrapping paper to use in the musical. If you have any wrapping … [Read More…] Request and Costume Update

Choreography Rehearsal This Saturday
Hello! I hope you are having a good week. We are definitely getting into a routine for children’s chorus and looking forward to all that is coming in the next two months! A few items coming up: We have a Choreography rehearsal this Saturday, November 2 from 9-11am. We will take a … [Read More…] Choreography Rehearsal This Saturday

October 27 Speaker Rehearsal
Hello! There will be a rehearsal this Sunday, October 27 for all the large speaking roles. Smaller speaking roles (backup singers, narrator, kids 1, 2, & 3, Angel and Mary) are NOT required to come. The rehearsal will begin in Christiansen at 12:30 and will go until 1:45 pm. We will have … [Read More…] October 27 Speaker Rehearsal

3 Things to Know
Hello! I know you have so many emails coming in from school and church so I will do my best to keep things clear and concise over the next few months. 3 important things to know about Children’s Chorus: Choreography Videos have been posted! We had to cancel our rehearsal last Saturday, … [Read More…] 3 Things to Know

Costumes for Musical
Hello, I hope you have had a great weekend! Each year our Christmas musical requires different things with regards to costumes. This year each child will be responsible for putting together or purchasing their costume. I’ve already emailed some of you regarding a specific look or matching costumes and I will continue to be … [Read More…] Costumes for Musical

Reminder – No Rehearsal 10.12.19
Hello! I just want to triple make sure that everyone knows that the Choreography Rehearsal for tomorrow has been canceled. We will find another time to make it up during our Wednesday rehearsals and with your help in reviewing the videos I will be making. I plan to email again tomorrow with some … [Read More…] Reminder – No Rehearsal 10.12.19

Cast List Posted
Hello! We’ve had a great couple of weeks together as a choir! Shannon and I have so enjoyed hearing the kids sing and/or read over the past three weeks. It helps in getting to know their personalities and voices to better serve and teach them. The big news is that the cast list … [Read More…] Cast List Posted

Children’s Chorus First Week
Hello Chorus Parents! The Children’s Chorus had a great first rehearsal yesterday – it’s going to be a great year! The first thing to note is that we have a parent page – you can access it here. Please take a moment to check it out and see what’s available there. Every email … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus First Week

Children’s Chorus Today
Dear Children’s Chorus Parents, Today is the big day! I’m looking forward to singing, learning, and worshiping together with the kids and we so appreciate your participation and support. The kids are welcome to check-in beginning at 5:15pm in the 1625 LaSalle Street Lobby. It’s located through the northwest doors of the Sanctuary … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus Today

Children’s Chorus Starting September 11
Dear Children’s Chorus Parents, We are just a couple weeks away from beginning a new Children’s Chorus year! I’m looking forward to singing, learning, and worshiping together with the kids and we so appreciate your participation and support. Our first rehearsal will be Wednesday, September 11 from 5:30-6:30pm. Kids are welcome to check-in … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus Starting September 11

Return Listening CDs
Hello Children’s Chorus Parents! I hope you are having a great Summer. It’s hard to believe that in a little over a month we will be singing together again – I’m getting really excited! I wanted to drop you a quick note to ask if you happen to have a Christmas Musical Listening … [Read More…] Return Listening CDs

Mother’s Day Thank You
Hello, We had a wonderful morning yesterday! Thanks so much to the kids for singing with joy and energy, thanks to those who brought snacks and the many more who offered, and thanks to all the parents for getting the kids to church early on a special morning! I hope it didn’t upset too … [Read More…] Mother’s Day Thank You

Singing on Mother’s Day 2
Hello Chorus Parents! As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning. There are a couple things to note below: Please have the kids ready to go at 8:30am in Christiansen. You know this already, but a good breakfast really helps the kids get ready for this big morning. As a … [Read More…] Singing on Mother’s Day 2

Singing on Mother’s Day 1
Hello Chorus Parents, Hope you are having a good start to your week! The Children’s Chorus is singing again THIS Sunday. The performance details are similar to Palm Sunday, but take a look below for more information. If your child will not be singing with us this Sunday please let me know. It … [Read More…] Singing on Mother’s Day 1

Great Job!
Hello! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for a wonderful job today, Children’s Chorus! The kids did so well and I had many people come to me to say how blessed they were by their participation in the service this morning. I’m so grateful for all their hard work and to you, parents, … [Read More…] Great Job!

Singing Palm Sunday
Hello Chorus Parents! As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning, what a great way to begin Holy Week! There are a couple of things to note below: Please have the kids ready to go at 8:30am in Christiansen. You know this already, but a good breakfast really helps the … [Read More…] Singing Palm Sunday

Preparing for Palm Sunday
Hello Chorus Parents, Sorry for two emails in one week! There are just a few more things that I need to mention. The next couple weeks are important rehearsals for us. We will be combining our choirs and practicing in the Sanctuary to prepare for Palm Sunday. I know that many are traveling, … [Read More…] Preparing for Palm Sunday

Checking In
Hello Chorus Parents! Hope you are enjoying this warmer weather. 🙂 I just wanted to check in and let you know of what is coming up for Children’s Chorus in these next few months. We are singing in the morning services on April 14 and May 12. For both of these performances, we will wear … [Read More…] Checking In

Children’s Chorus Cancelled
Hello! Due to the extreme cold weather tomorrow 1/30, the church will be closed. That means no Children’s Chorus! We will miss singing together but hope you all will enjoy staying home and being warm. 😉 Don’t forget that there is NO rehearsal next Wednesday, February 6. The church will be the site … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus Cancelled

Musical Thank You
Hello Chorus Parents, What a wonderful day we had on Sunday, please tell your kids that I am so proud of them! Seriously, they worked so hard and they really went above and beyond my expectations! Thank YOU for getting them to rehearsal each week, especially those extra rehearsals, and for all the hours you … [Read More…] Musical Thank You

Performance Info
Hello Chorus Parents, The big weekend is here! We had a great rehearsal on Wednesday and are looking forward to a couple more chances to get it all together before Sunday. ? Many thanks to you for all your work with costumes, snacks, and getting the kids to rehearsal week after week. And, … [Read More…] Performance Info

Dress Rehearsal Info
Hello Chorus Parents! I’m very sorry if I’ve left you with questions for this coming week, but I hope this email will clear up anything that might still be lingering. The costumes are READY. There was a wonderful group of people here at the church Monday-Thursday working hard to create each costume and … [Read More…] Dress Rehearsal Info

December 2 Rehearsal
Hello, Chorus Parents! We are in full swing for the Christmas Musical now. Please keep listening to the CD and probably, more importantly, watching the choreography videos. ? When I scheduled a rehearsal for this Sunday, I mentioned that I would need to call the whole choir or maybe make a decision to … [Read More…] December 2 Rehearsal

Singing This Sunday!
Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning as a part of our Thanksgiving Festival Sunday! There are a couple things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am and check-in at Christiansen. Uniform is the red chorus shirt and black bottoms. Girls can wear skirts … [Read More…] Singing This Sunday!

Solos & Shirts
Hello Chorus Parents! I hope you are having a great weekend! I got caught up on Wednesday night and did not email the solo assignments like I said I would – so sorry! The assignments are attached. Did you know that we have a wonderful webpage with a TON of helpful resources for … [Read More…] Solos & Shirts

Choreography & Shirts
Hi Parents, A quick reminder that we have choreography rehearsal tomorrow from 9-11am. We will have a restroom and water break at 10am, but feel free to send a nut-free snack with your child if you think they will need it. Also, please check to make sure that you do not have a … [Read More…] Choreography & Shirts

Choreography & Costumes
Hello! We had a great rehearsal last Saturday! We learned the choreography for 4 of our songs. If your child missed the rehearsal they can watch the instruction videos and also full song videos using the links below. Everyone should use the full song videos to practice at home. You can also find the … [Read More…] Choreography & Costumes

Costume Update
Hello Chorus Parents, I just wanted to send you a quick note to say that I’ve found a team of women here at the church who have agreed to make the majority of the costumes for this year’s Christmas Musical! There are still a few characters who will need to purchase some items, … [Read More…] Costume Update

Solo Tryouts
Hello! I know some of the kids are very interested in trying out for solos in the Christmas Musical. Over the next month, I will listen to as many kids as would like to try out before and after rehearsals. There will be a sign-up sheet in the rehearsal so they can let … [Read More…] Solo Tryouts

Cast List Here!
Hello! We just finished our first month of Children’s Chorus – hard to believe, isn’t it? We’ve been having a great time meeting new friends, learning new songs, and talking about God together. I hope your kids are enjoying it as much as I am! ? There’s a lot going on for … [Read More…] Cast List Here!

Cast List Coming!
Hello! No doubt the kids have been asking about the cast list for our Christmas Musical! So sorry to delay, but I wanted to try to give everyone a chance to audition. If your child has not auditioned and would like to, there will be time between 4:45 and 5:15 this Wednesday or … [Read More…] Cast List Coming!

Listening CD’s Are Here!
Hello Chorus Parents! The Musical Listening CD’s are here! They will be available at the check-in desk for the next couple weeks! Please check out one per family. We ask for a deposit of $10, which will be returned to you when you turn in the CD in December or January. If you don’t … [Read More…] Listening CD’s Are Here!

Children’s Chorus First Week
Hello Chorus Parents! The Children’s Chorus had a great first rehearsal on Wednesday – it’s going to be a great year! A couple things to keep in mind in the coming weeks: Christmas musical tryouts begin this Wednesday We will be auditioning children in grades 3-5 for the speaking and singing … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus First Week