Protected by a Good God
In a world rife with threats and anxieties, Psalm 17 offers a beacon of hope, reminding us that our refuge lies in the steadfast love of our good God. David’s heartfelt plea in this psalm reveals the stark contrast between the menacing nature of his adversaries and the unwavering protection of the Lord. David … [Read More…] Protected by a Good God

The Way of Jesus: The Gospel of Luke (Part 5)
Jesus is a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus. Jesus is the King who came to serve. He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us. From His place of glory, He came all the way down to the fringes of this broken world to redeem the very people everyone else had given up on.Jesus knew the secret to the upside-down kingdom: that in giving ourselves away, we actually get ourselves back.Come discover the beauty of Jesus, the Servant King, who invites us all to follow Him!
Mistaking Jesus
Luke 11:14-36

Hope Breaks Through: The Gospel of Luke (Part 2)
Jesus is a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus. Jesus is the King who came to serve. He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us. From His place of glory, He came all the way down to the fringes of this broken world to redeem the very people everyone else had given up on. Jesus knew the secret to the upside-down kingdom: that in giving ourselves away, we actually get ourselves back. Come discover the beauty of Jesus, the Servant King, who invites us all to follow Him!
Light and Glory
Luke 2:22-40

Alive in Christ
In this series through the book of Ephesians, we'll discover what it means to become alive in Christ
Our True Selves
Philip MillerEphesians 1:15-23
To the Praise of His Glory
Philip MillerEphesians 1:3-14
The Word of His Grace
Philip MillerEphesians 1:1-2

Identity Traps
In this series, we explore the stories of nine different characters in the Bible, who each tried to build their identities in all the wrong places, and then discovered the kind of wholeness that only God can give. In looking at their lives, we discover the identity traps we fall into and the identity Christ offers us that changes everything.
Mapping Our Hearts
Philip MillerRomans 8:14-17

The Upside-Down Kingdom
From the Brunswick Manifesto, to the Declaration of Independence, to Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream,” the history of the world has turned upon ideas. Two-thousand years ago, a Jewish Rabbi from Nazareth turned the world on its head with His Sermon on the Mount. He proclaimed an upside-down Kingdom so radical, they killed Him in an attempt to put an end to His ideas. But even death couldn’t stop the upside-down Way of Jesus. In our modern world dominated by divisive and corrupt political kingdoms, the Way of Jesus shines through. His Kingdom is without borders. His Word is trustworthy and true. His Way ushers in a new kind of humanity. Come discover the upside-down Kingdom and the right-side-up Way of life!
Our Daily Bread
Philip MillerMatthew 6:11
Your Kingdom Come
Philip MillerMatthew 6:10
Our Father In Heaven
Philip MillerMatthew 6:9-13
Pray Then Like This
Philip MillerMatthew 6:5-13
Religious Hypocrisy
Philip MillerMatthew 5:48-6:18
Loving Enemies
Philip MillerMatthew 5:38-48
Manipulation on the Lips
Philip MillerMatthew 5:33-37
Divorce on the Mind
Philip MillerMatthew 5:31-32
Lust in the Eyes
Philip MillerMatthew 5:27-30
Anger in the Heart
Philip MillerMathew 5:20-26

Loved By Jesus
What if Jesus’ love is the secret to an identity so deep, meaningful, rich, and lasting that all other identities fade into insignificance? What if the secret of abundant life is found in Jesus’ death-defying love? The Apostle John’s most defining, grounding, and meaningful identity was found in the simple fact that he was and always would be loved by Jesus. In the end, nothing else mattered. His accomplishments, connections, titles, writings, and even his very life faded in comparison to the blazing reality that he was loved by Jesus. And that love changed John forever.
The Vine
Philip MillerJohn 15:1-17
The Dance
Philip MillerJohn 14:15-31
The Way
Philip MillerJohn 14:1-14
The Troubled
Philip MillerJohn 13:14-38
The Servant
Philip MillerJohn 13:1-17
The Resurrection
Philip MillerJohn 11:20-28, 32-44
The Hour
Philip MillerJohn 12:12-50
The Anointed
Philip MillerJohn 11:54—12:11
The Life
Philip MillerJohn 11:1-53
The Divine
Philip MillerJohn 10:22-42

Single Messages
These are one-off messages on special topics preached by our pastoral staff or guest speakers.
Why are we here? Moses, God and the Meaning of Life Scripture
Stefan GustavssonExodus 3:1-15
Freedom and Joy
Pastor Bill BertschePsalm 19
Stop It!
Larry McCarthyJohn 14:1–6
God’s Perspective and Our Anxiety
Justin MayPsalm 127:1–2
Soul Music
Larry McCarthyPsalm 103
Rebuilding Broken Trust
Erwin LutzerPsalm 73
I Am Who I Am
Stephen FarishExodus 3:13–15
Own It! The Pathway to Becoming a Faithful Servant
Josue ReyesMatthew 23:14–30
How To Be The Church
Justin May1 Corinthians 3:1–18
Is God the Supreme Treasure of Your Soul?
Stephen FarishMatthew 13:44-46

All In For Jesus
What a person believes about Jesus is the most important factor in how they live their life. Our study in Colossians shows us how to fully trust and obey Christ's teachings. Jesus went all in for us; will we go all in for Him?
Captivated By Christ
Bill BertscheColossians 2:8-12
Fan the Flame
Larry McCarthy, Jr.Colossians 2:6-7
Where’s Your Evidence?
Michael BestColossians 2:1-5
The Mission of Your Life
Bill BertscheColossians 1:24-29
Reconciled to God by Christ
Larry McCarthy, Jr.Colossians 1:21–23
The Greatest of All Time
Michael BestColossians 1:15–20
Deliverance from Darkness
Bill BertscheColossians 1:13-14
A Prisoner’s Prayer: Prescription for Spiritual Growth
Larry McCarthy, Jr.Colossians 1:9-12
The Real Deal
Michael BestColossians 1:3-8

Explore God
We all have questions. We all wonder. Explore God with us as we investigate the seven most common questions about Christianity and faith.
Does God Exist?
Josue ReyesVarious Passages
Is There A God?
Ed StetzerPslam 19:1-6 | Psalm 30:4-5
Does Life Have a Purpose?
Bill BertscheGenesis 1:26-27 | Psalm 139
The Path To Purpose
Larry McCarthy, Jr.Ecclesiastes 1:1–16

Be The Church
In this series, we're exploring how the life of the early church gives us the mission, message, and motivation to be a catalyst for change today in Chicago.
Back To The Basics
Michael BestActs 1:1-11

What legacy did Abraham leave his sons Isaac and Jacob? And what lessons can we learn from their story that impact our lives today? In this series, we’re looking at how faith is a legacy that is passed down from one generation to the next.