The Ends
God’s Justice Will Cover the Earth:

  • Christ’s reign extends justice across the earth.
  • Brings fairness and righteousness to all creation.

God’s People Will Be Liberated:

  • Christ liberates God’s people from spiritual blindness and bondage.

God’s Glory Will Be Celebrated:

  • Christ’s reign leads to the celebration of God’s glory.
  • The renewed creation worships and honors God.

The Means
Behold THE Servant:

  • Jesus Christ is the true servant in Isaiah 42.
  • Recognize and behold Him as sent by God.

The Bruised Reed He Will Not Break:

  • Christ is gentle and compassionate.
  • He cares for the weak and vulnerable.

The Smoking Wick He Will Not Quench:

  • Christ is patient and restorative.
  • Christ is patient and restorative.

Why It Matters

  • These truths assure believers of God’s ultimate purposes.
  • Christ’s reign calls for alignment with God’s will.
  • Trust in Christ’s work to bring about a renewed creation.