Friends, this passage about the rich young ruler is brilliant! Jesus masterfully draws out the depths of this man’s heart with three deft moves: deconstructing religion, diagnosing disease, and detailing hope. This rich young ruler, seemingly the perfect disciple candidate, approaches Jesus with a question: “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” But Jesus immediately challenges his assumptions about “goodness” and earning salvation through works. He exposes the ruler’s belief that eternal life can be inherited by doing, that doing is within his power, and that God’s standard is within reach. This is the problem with religion – it can never bridge the gap between our efforts and God’s holy standard.


Jesus then diagnoses the rich young ruler’s disease: idolatry. He commands him to sell all his possessions and follow Him, a personalized prescription targeting the ruler’s love of wealth above God. This command wasn’t a blanket requirement for discipleship, but a specific remedy for this man’s heart ailment. Like Peter laying down his nets and Nicodemus his status, the rich young ruler was called to surrender his idol. The core issue is always the same: will we give God our full allegiance, making Him our ultimate treasure? Sadly, the ruler’s wealth had him, and he walked away grieved. This reminds us that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and we cannot serve both God and money.


But there’s hope! What’s impossible for us is possible with God. Even the rich young ruler, with all his advantages, couldn’t save himself. We are all dead in our transgressions, needing the impossible intervention of God. Jesus specializes in raising dead things to life! His grace begins where we fail, and our hopelessness is the birthplace of His hope. Imagine if the ruler had approached Jesus with humility, acknowledging his inability to keep the commandments and begging for mercy. He would have experienced grace through faith, making Jesus his treasure.


This leads us to the heart of the matter: Jesus is worth everything we must give up. Peter’s example of leaving everything to follow Jesus, and Jesus’ promise of abundant return, underscores this truth. Coming to Jesus always involves confronting our idols, laying down something to grasp hold of Him. For Paul, it was his religious pedigree and accomplishments, which he counted as rubbish compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. He understood that true righteousness comes through faith, not works.


So, friends, what idols are captivating your heart? What must you lay down to truly grasp hold of Jesus? Does your relationship with wealth reflect that Jesus is your greatest treasure? Following Jesus requires radical obedience and faith, surrendering everything to make Him first in our lives. This is hard, and we can’t do it on our own. We need God to change our hearts, and that’s precisely what Jesus does. He lived the perfect life we couldn’t, offering Himself as a sacrifice so we could have His righteousness. Let’s give our all to Him, holding nothing back, and experience the abundant life He promises.