We often hesitate to approach God with our needs because we’ve learned not to bother important people. But that’s a mistake! Jesus assures us that we are never a nuisance to God. He longs to hear our prayers and bless us.
In Luke 18, Jesus teaches us that pining for justice, pleading for mercy, and pestering for attention never bother God. He tells the parable of a persistent widow who finally receives justice from an unjust judge, highlighting God’s willingness to answer our cries for justice. He then contrasts a self-righteous Pharisee with a humble tax collector, emphasizing that God delights in our pleas for mercy, not our boasts of righteousness. Finally, Jesus welcomes little children, who naturally pester and interrupt, showing us that God cherishes our childlike faith and desire to spend time with Him.
Just like the widow who wouldn’t give up, we should persistently bring our requests to God, trusting in His goodness and justice. Like the tax collector, we should approach God with humility, acknowledging our need for His mercy. And like little children, we should come to God with open hearts, eager to share our lives and receive His love.
God is not bothered by our needs, but rather, He is honored when we entrust them to Him. He delights in our vulnerability and welcomes our persistent prayers. Let us, therefore, approach His throne of grace with confidence, knowing that we are always welcome in His presence.
Remember, God wants to waste time with you! He desires your presence and delights in your company. Don’t let the busyness of life or the fear of being a nuisance keep you from experiencing the joy of His presence.