Our Uncommon Savior’s Birth

  • December 17, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Popular stories take on a life of their own over time. We hear them so frequently that we run the risk of forgetting the true details of what really happened. Scripture should inform our understanding about the birth of Christ, not popular legends.   In this sermon from Luke 2, we explore the good news … [Read More…] Our Uncommon Savior’s Birth

The Law Mediator

  • December 14, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Of all the prophets in all the Old Testament, Moses held the particular distinction of being the Mediator of the Law. God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, and he did so with many miraculous signs that God displayed through him. But Moses was held in highest esteem for his … [Read More…] The Law Mediator

God’s Promises Past and Present

  • December 9, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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In a year when so much has been abnormal, perhaps what we need most is to be reminded of the timeless message of Christmas. This sermon gets back to the basics of the Christmas story, looking at the narrative from Luke 1. Even though you may have heard the story many times before, God’s plans … [Read More…] God’s Promises Past and Present

The Covenant Keeper

  • December 7, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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At the end of John 5, Jesus told the religious leaders that they would be held accountable by Moses for “he wrote of me…But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” So for Advent this year, we’re looking at five ways Moses was Holding Out Hope for Jesus’s arrival. … [Read More…] The Covenant Keeper

Jesus The Curse Breaker

  • November 30, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Our spiritual condition is one of being born under the curse of sin. How did that happen, and is there a way out?   In this sermon, we explore our spiritual curse and our hope for a cure: The origin of the curse The effect of the curse The end of the curse   Galatians … [Read More…] Jesus The Curse Breaker

The Dangers of an Ungrateful Heart

  • November 25, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Living life without thanksgiving to God is a dangerous thing. Over time, our lack of thankfulness can degrade our hearts and cause significant damage to our personality and outlook on life.   In this sermon, we look at three dangers of an ungrateful heart: Pride: Thankfulness brings life into perspective and leads to us to … [Read More…] The Dangers of an Ungrateful Heart

The Protégé

  • November 23, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Jesus was a force for disruption during his ministry. At Passover he cleared the temple, sent livestock and moneychangers running, and acted like he owned the place. He started baptizing in the Judean countryside, becoming even more popular than John the Baptist. Jesus healed an invalid at pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, and the … [Read More…] The Protégé

Thankfulness is a Superpower

  • November 18, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Thankfulness is a regular theme we find in Scripture. It’s a “superpower” in the Christian life. But how can we do it well, at all times, in all seasons? When we put thankfulness into practice, it has a wide-ranging impact on our daily lives.   And the good news is that there are things the … [Read More…] Thankfulness is a Superpower

The Audacious

  • November 16, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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If you hang around Jesus long enough, you’ll realize that He isn’t interested in a popularity contest. He’s not a politician, and He doesn’t play by their games. It’s one of the things that enraged the religious leaders. No matter how much pressure they put on Him, He wouldn’t back down.   In fact, this … [Read More…] The Audacious

Constant Truths

  • November 11, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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There’s a 50/50 chance that you are either happy or disappointed with the results of the election. For many people, the uncertainty of this time stresses us out. We so easily get caught up in the earthly implications of these events that we miss the bigger picture of our calling as citizens of heaven.   … [Read More…] Constant Truths