The Necessity of Courage

  • July 28, 2020
  • BY Aimee Lilly
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

Every Christian experiences fear during our lifetime. If we are to overcome our fears, we need courage. How can we have biblical courage to face our fears? In this message, Pastor Bill shares three points about the necessity of courage in the life of the Christian.   Courage is acting out of confidence in God, … [Read More…] The Necessity of Courage

Power for Good

  • July 22, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Our words can be used for destruction or for good. We all have that power in the words that we choose to use. In what ways can we use our words towards good?   In this sermon, Pastor Michael Best explores three ways our words can build others up: 1) Encouragement: this is the idea … [Read More…] Power for Good

Merciful Justice

  • July 20, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Many of us are living through seasons of loss and unrest. And we’re asking: how could God possibly have a plan for all of this? Beginning this Sunday, we invite you to join us as we explore a God who provides redeeming mercies through the darkest times of our lives. We’ll see how we can trust Him and find comfort even though we may not understand the bigger picture of His plan.

One of the things that makes grief and loss so difficult is the sense of helplessness. We often feel so powerless, and nothing we can say or do that will make any difference. It’s easy to fall into a victim mentality, to feel helpless, disempowered, angry, and bitter. The story of Ruth grapples with all … [Read More…] Merciful Justice

Conflicting Words

  • July 15, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Every relationship will have conflict, so how should we handle our words when conflict when it comes into our lives? Three questions to ask yourself when in conflict: 1. Why am I in this conflict? 2. How should I act in conflict? 3. What is the goal of this conflict?   Proverbs 10:19

Fellowship in Sufferings

  • July 13, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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finding hope in difficult times, grief and loss

Grief is messy and leads us through a painful journey. The way out of the darkness is often found through the faithful love of someone in our lives who walks with us towards the dawn. In Ruth’s story, that kind of love is called “Hesed”. It means loving selflessness, enduring faithfulness, and forbearing graciousness. God … [Read More…] Fellowship in Sufferings

The Power of Words

  • July 8, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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A wise person stewards well the resources they are given. We think a lot about stewarding money or time, but we often think very little about stewarding one of our most valuable resource: our words. Many studies suggest that the average person speaks 16,000 words a day. How are you stewarding your 16,000 daily words? … [Read More…] The Power of Words

Running to Reality

  • July 6, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Many of us are living through seasons of loss and unrest. And we’re asking: how could God possibly have a plan for all of this? Beginning this Sunday, we invite you to join us as we explore a God who provides redeeming mercies through the darkest times of our lives. We’ll see how we can trust Him and find comfort even though we may not understand the bigger picture of His plan.

When our world is shattered, how do we pick up the pieces and get back to normal? When we’ve lost something and are grieving, our capacity for restoration depends on finding God’s mercies in the dark times. We have to face grief square in the face and invite God into that darkness if we are … [Read More…] Running to Reality

How Can I Know God Loves Me?

  • July 1, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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As we wrap up this series, Pastor Eric asks an important question: how can we know that God loves us now and will continue to forever? Through the passage, we learn that there’s nothing we can do to cause God’s love, because He first loved us; and there’s nothing that we can do that will … [Read More…] How Can I Know God Loves Me?

Is This World Broken?

  • June 24, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Is this world broken? If it is, can it be fixed? In this message, Pastor Eric continues our study through Romans 8. We learn that brokenness does not necessarily lead to brokenness. There is surprising hope for our world.   Romans 8:18-28

Healthy Church Members

  • June 22, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

As we prepare for the arrival of our new senior pastor, we reflect on our individual roles in creating a healthy church. In this sermon, we explore what it means for a person to love the Lord with all their heart and soul. The outpouring of that reality is a church member who contributes to … [Read More…] Healthy Church Members