Am I God?

  • November 26, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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As we complete our series in Joseph, we take a look at how Joseph grieved for his father, Jacob. The end of the story teaches us about the sovereignty of God through three patterns of life, and how we can respond to each: grief, grace, and glory.   Genesis 49:28-50:26

Asking Why

  • November 19, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Amazed and Confused

When our expectations don’t line up with God’s plan, what should we do? In the book of Habakkuk, the prophet encourages us to ask the hard questions of God. We should lean into hard questions about God because this experience helps us learn more about the character of God. It’s a good question to ask … [Read More…] Asking Why

Looking Back, Looking Forward

  • November 18, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Why do we struggle to see God’s faithfulness in our lives? Near the end of Jacob’s life, he reflected on the scope of his life by considering the overarching, sovereign plan of God. In this sermon we learn three characteristics of God’s plan for our own lives: God’s plan is full of surprises; God’s plan … [Read More…] Looking Back, Looking Forward

Grieving Loss

  • November 12, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Grief is an inevitable part of our lives; it’s the evidence of how significant a loss is to us. When loss comes, how should we process our grief? What does the Bible say about grieving? In this final sermon in our series, Pastor McCarthy provides us with several key steps we can implement when we … [Read More…] Grieving Loss

How Did Jesus Defeat Death?

  • November 4, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How we think about death affects how we live our daily lives. For the Christian, the death and resurrection of Jesus is the central message of our faith, the foundation upon which all else rests. But how do we know that Jesus really defeated death, and what does that mean for us on a daily … [Read More…] How Did Jesus Defeat Death?

What Happens After You Die?

  • October 28, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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What happens after we die? Scripture encourages us to take seriously the question of death and the afterlife. In this passage, we learn that our eternal destiny is determined by our life’s choices, actions, and belief during this short life. There are no second chances; when our life ends we will either be with God … [Read More…] What Happens After You Die?

Portrait of Repentance

  • BY Eric Morse
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What is the evidence of true repentance? In this passage, we see Judah’s heart repent from his sin against Joseph. It’s not enough to be sorry or simply express regret; genuine repentance is a complete change of heart that acknowledges sin and sets off on a new path. We all have things in our lives … [Read More…] Portrait of Repentance

True Change

  • October 21, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Do people really change? In this passage, we find Joseph wondering if his older brothers have really changed from their past sinful behavior towards him. Through their story, we learn to sport four signs of true life change: changed people take full responsibility, demonstrate radical trust, see a different perspective, and show true repentance. Are … [Read More…] True Change

Where Does Death Come From?

  • BY Eric Morse
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Thinking about the inevitability of death should cause us to think about our life: how are we prioritizing our lives in light of this? Death is not just the physical consequences of sin, it also affects three critical relationships: with others, with creation, and with God. The one opportunity to conquer spiritual death and fix … [Read More…] Where Does Death Come From?

Explaining the Trinity

  • October 15, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

The doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation of all of Christianity. How are we to explain the Trinity, and what are its implications? In this special presentation by Dr. Michael Reeves, Distinguished Scholar and President of the Union School of Theology at Oxford University, we learn that without the Trinity, the cross of Christ … [Read More…] Explaining the Trinity