Transforming Glory

  • October 14, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

Have you ever thought about the power of the things you look at? The things we fixate on will change us day by day. We become what we’re made to be by looking to Christ. It matters where we look. Our highest aspiration should be to revel in the light and glory of Christ, and … [Read More…] Transforming Glory

Temple of God

  • BY Eric Morse
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The temple was the place where God’s glory was evident to all.  Since we are now called the temple of God, is God’s glory clearly seen in our lives? This metaphor is a powerful reminder that God himself dwells in us, and that we are called to spread his glory throughout the whole earth. There are … [Read More…] Temple of God

Slaves of Righteousness

  • October 7, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Everyone worships something; it’s simply a matter of who or what you worship. You can either worship God, or you can worship the things of this world. In that sense, we’re all either slaves to sin or slave to righteousness. For this who call themselves Christians, our lives should look different because of Who we … [Read More…] Slaves of Righteousness

Ambassadors of Christ

  • September 30, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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What does it mean to be an ambassador of Christ? An ambassador is one who represents one country while living in another; they are authorized to speak on their king’s behalf to others far from home. In Christ, believers are called to be ambassadors. In that role we are: entrusted with the message of the … [Read More…] Ambassadors of Christ

From Bad to Worse

  • September 23, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Sometimes our lives can feel like a series of unfortunate events. Joseph’s life, at times, seemed to go from bad to worse. But through it all, God was working for his glorious purposes. Through Joseph’s story, we see three things that God is doing through our suffering: God is cultivating our character, God is forming … [Read More…] From Bad to Worse

Royal Priesthood

  • BY Eric Morse
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Certain things are true of us just because we are a follower of Jesus Christ. It changes not only our eternal destiny but also who we are in this world right now. Scripture calls believers to be a Royal Priesthood; but what does that mean? In this sermon, we learn about our ministry as priests … [Read More…] Royal Priesthood

New Creation

  • September 16, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How do we know that we are a new creation in Christ? In this sermon, we explore the incredible gift of a new beginning in Christ. As new creations, our lives should exhibit three new qualities. First, we have a new love for God and others. This is reflected in the outward overflow of love … [Read More…] New Creation