
  • July 24, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Gideon’s time was very similar to our own today: everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Gideon’s life provides insights into navigating a godless culture and our own insecurities. Through Gideon’s story, we learn that even though we may fail, God’s prerogative is to save us and redeem us.   Judges 6-7


  • July 18, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How do you respond to truth when you encounter it? In this sermon, we see that it’s better to be on the side of truth, rather than to try to get the truth on your side. Micaiah’s story offers four reactions to truth that teach us important lessons for our lives today.   1 King … [Read More…] Micaiah


  • July 11, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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What does it mean to live a life of faith? In this sermon, we discover Abel, a man who lived a God-centered life of faith. Abel’s life and death provide us with three portraits of faith that cry out for the justice and the mercy of God.   Genesis 4

United to Christ

  • July 8, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Relationships often open doors to opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t exist. It’s who you know, or who you’re united with, that matters. A person’s relationship to Jesus grants access to God that would be impossible otherwise. The moment you place your faith in Christ and enter into that relationship, it fundamentally changes who you are. In … [Read More…] United to Christ

False Fruit

  • July 1, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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If we want to grow spiritually, how should we fuel that growth? That’s a worthy goal many of us have. Yet, in our desire for spiritual growth, we need to be be aware of the things that stunt growth; things that may appear good, but their consequences are damaging. In this sermon, we learn about … [Read More…] False Fruit

The Damage of Self-Deception

  • June 27, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Seven Woes

The easiest person to deceive is often ourselves. How can we avoid this? In this sermon, we find Jesus offering advice on how to navigate self deception tendencies in our own lives. Three lessons to take away: ask God to search your heart, listen to reproof from others, and read and apply the truth.   … [Read More…] The Damage of Self-Deception

The Dangers of Legalism

  • June 24, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Why is legalism so dangerous to our spiritual health? Legalism is believing that we can earn or keep favor with God by what we do. It flows from the failure to be humbled, broken, amazed, and satisfied by the grace of God in Christ. In this sermon, we learn about three dangers of legalism to … [Read More…] The Dangers of Legalism

Avoiding Contamination

  • June 14, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Seven Woes

Small contaminations can lead to enormous consequences. How do we avoid spiritual contamination? In this passage, Jesus teaches us how to retain our spiritual purity. Three attitudes in our lives lead to moral contamination: we compare of our lives to others, we conform our minds to the world, and we allow cynicism to reign in … [Read More…] Avoiding Contamination

The Change You Need

  • June 10, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

How do we make changes in our lives? Some habits and lifestyles are easier to change than others. But there are some things that are impossible for us to change to change on our own. Only Jesus can bring the change that we really need. In this sermon, we find 3 changes only Jesus can … [Read More…] The Change You Need