Avoiding Contamination

  • June 6, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Seven Woes

How do we avoid hypocrisy in our lives? We are prone to put on masks that show other people a false side of ourselves, to the detriment of our faith. Hypocrisy is all about advancing our own causes and interests. Jesus calls us to put away external hypocrisy and focus on our internal spiritual health: … [Read More…] Avoiding Contamination

Captivated By Christ

  • June 4, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How do we overcome the temptation to put our hope in things that don’t satisfy? When we look for fulfillment outside of Christ, we find emptiness. But if we are captivated with Jesus, we will find true satisfaction for our deepest desires.   Colossians 2:8-12

Back to the Basics

  • May 29, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Seven Woes

Do you know the basics of your faith? Have you got off track and need to correct course? When we neglect the basics, things can quickly fall apart. As Christians, if we are to be faithful representatives for God in the world, we must not neglect the basics as the Pharisees did. In this sermon, … [Read More…] Back to the Basics

Fan the Flame

  • May 28, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How do we sustain and grow our love for God? What are the marks of a Christian who is grounded in their faith? In this passage, Pastor McCarthy shows us three markers that we are walking with Christ: grounded, growing, and grateful.   Colossians 2:6-7

When Truth Confronts Tradition

  • May 23, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Seven Woes

Why do we follow traditions? We all have traditions that we think are the right way of doing things. But sometimes traditions can have negative consequences. In this passage we see three wrongful uses of traditions. Jesus rebukes the traditions of the Pharisees because they were leading to ritualism; and empty rituals can lead people … [Read More…] When Truth Confronts Tradition

Where’s Your Evidence?

  • May 20, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How can we be assured that our faith is genuine? In this passage, we find three evidences that the church truly knows Jesus. The church is to be united in love, to remain focused on Jesus, and to be firm in the faith. There is an assurance of God that only comes from being united … [Read More…] Where’s Your Evidence?

The Danger of Exclusivity

  • May 9, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Seven Woes

It’s human nature to want to be in an exclusive club. But in this passage, we find Jesus describing a new Kingdom mentality where all are welcome. He teaches that we should approach God like a child. If our church is to reflect the heart of Jesus, we need to be a place that welcomes … [Read More…] The Danger of Exclusivity

The Mission of Your Life

  • May 6, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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What’s the mission of your life? How should you pursue it? If the mission of the church is to be the mission of our lives, we should rejoice in our sufferings, treasure the gospel, and work to strengthen the church.   Colossians 1:24-29

Follower or Pharisee?

  • May 1, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Seven Woes

We tend to take on the mannerisms of the people we hang out with. Their qualities tend to become our own; for example, have you ever been told you’re becoming like your parents? Sometimes, our osmosis of others’ qualities is a good thing; in other cases, we absorb the worst of others. As we begin … [Read More…] Follower or Pharisee?

Reconciled to God by Christ

  • April 29, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Who am I? What’s my identity? These are, perhaps, some of the most important existential questions one can ask. This passage reminds us of the eternal identity that God offers us through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. While sin blocks us from receiving the benefit of being in God’s presence and makes us enemies … [Read More…] Reconciled to God by Christ