The Greatest of All Time

Why is Jesus considered the “greatest of all time”? In this passage, we find four reasons why: He is the God of all, He is Creator of all, He is Sustainer of all, and He is Lord of all. Colossians 1:15–20
Why is Jesus considered the “greatest of all time”? In this passage, we find four reasons why: He is the God of all, He is Creator of all, He is Sustainer of all, and He is Lord of all. Colossians 1:15–20
Have you ever had to answer a loaded question? In this passage we find Jesus answering three questions from the Pharisees. His answers teach us three important lessons about our relationship with God. Mark 12
Why should we be all in for Jesus? When we are “all in” it means we are fully committed; there are no halfways or half measures. In this passage, we find the motivation for us to be all in for Jesus: we are rescued by the Father, resettled into the Son, and redeemed by the … [Read More…] Deliverance from Darkness
Jesus’ ministry is about replacing old, worn out things with something new. In this passage, we see the story of a withered fig tree representing Israel and temple-based Judaism. Jesus teaches us a powerful truth through the visual of the fig tree, foretelling how something new is coming through his life and ministry. Mark … [Read More…] Explain the Fig Tree
How should we go about pursuing spiritual growth? In this passage, we find Paul, enchained in Rome, praying for the spiritual maturity of believers in Colossi whom he had never met. His words teach us how to lead a life pleasing to the Lord. Colossians 1:9-12
What makes our cities celebrate and rejoice? In this passage, we find the early church scattered following great persecution. Yet even during this time, the church preached the gospel in Judea and Samaria, and it was recorded that there was great joy in those cities. Ultimately we learn that city renewal comes through the preaching … [Read More…] Advancing the Gospel in Cities
Pastor Paco Amador, New Life Community Church in Little Village, challenges us to think about our role in missions to the city of Chicago. We learn about the parable of the vine and branches; and we are invited to hunger for the pruning of knife of God in our lives. Fruit in our lives follows … [Read More…] The Vine And The Branches
When we feel stuck in our spiritual life, what should we do to break new ceilings? In this sermon, Dr. Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute, challenges us with four key characteristics of people that push through the spiritual status quo. People who break through spiritual ceilings are able to: discern the times and … [Read More…] Breaking Through Ceilings
First impressions are important. Yet often people’s first impression of Jesus is inaccurate. People tend to underestimate Jesus because of personal circumstances in their lives. Do we have an accurate respect for who Jesus is? In this sermon we are reminded that God demands holiness in our worship. Mark 11 and Matthew 21
Everyone places their faith in something. Are you sure that what you put your faith in won’t let you down? When we put our faith in the true gospel, we find an unshakable core that will transform our lives. Gospel integrity is critical. If the gospel isn’t changing us, we are not following the real … [Read More…] The Real Deal