The Dangers of a Critical Spirit

  • July 23, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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What are the dangers of a critical spirit? This passage reminds us of the hypocrisy and destructiveness of being judgmental of others. Although it is wise to discern good from evil, when we compare ourselves to others, we are far more likely to err on the side of sin. Being critical of others is destructive … [Read More…] The Dangers of a Critical Spirit

When Kingdoms Collide

  • July 22, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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The Miracles of Jesus

When the Kingdom of Heaven collides with the kingdom of darkness, miraculous things are possible. In this story, we see Jesus’ miraculous liberation of a demon possessed man. When all hope seems lost for redemption, Jesus not only frees this man spiritually but also cares for him holistically. The change in circumstances is staggering. How … [Read More…] When Kingdoms Collide

Blessings Better Than Gold

  • July 15, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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The Miracles of Jesus

How do you model your expectations of miracles? Or do you struggle to believe that God still works miracles? In this passage, Peter miraculously heals a crippled man. But just because we are in the 21st century doesn’t mean that miracles are impossible. If we want to see Jesus work miracles in the lives of … [Read More…] Blessings Better Than Gold

A Glimpse of His Glory

  • July 8, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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The Miracles of Jesus

What do miracles show us about God? In this passage, we see Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana. He took six jars of water, representing a human ritual, and turned them into wine, revealing the glory of God. It was more than a miracle, it was a sign of power that can transform … [Read More…] A Glimpse of His Glory

Diligent Waiting

  • June 24, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Waiting for resolution is often difficult. As Christians, the Bible promises ultimate resolution in Jesus’ second coming; but how are we to conduct ourselves as we wait? This passage teaches us that assurance in Jesus’ return leads us to action in living out our faith for Him while while we wait.   2 Peter 3:14-18

Praying Like Jesus: Deliverance

  • June 11, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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How does our view of sin affect our prayer life? In this passage, we discover three affirmations we should make as we pray: we affirm that sin is evil, that we are vulnerable to sin, and that God desires to help us overcome the temptation of sin.   Matthew 6:13

To Be Fulfilled

  • June 10, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Why is Scripture filled with end-times prophecy? Often, these passages generate heated debate. However, the purpose of eschatology (the study of end times) is not for greater debate but for greater devotion in our lives. In this passage, we learn about three responses to the coming King that should be evident in all of our … [Read More…] To Be Fulfilled

Empty Promises

  • June 3, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Has someone ever promised you something they failed to deliver? In this passage, we learn about false teachers within the church who twist the truth and can lead us astray. Appearances can be deceiving: false teaching overpromises and under delivers; but Jesus always keeps His promise and always delivers. Any teaching we follow apart from … [Read More…] Empty Promises

Can I Get A Witness?

  • May 27, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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How can we be assured that the faith we pursue is not in vain? Christians are not living their lives on unfounded claims. In fact, we have credible witnesses whose claims about the promises of God are trustworthy. In this passage, we are shown three witnesses that give us assurance of our faith: the Apostles … [Read More…] Can I Get A Witness?

Praying Like Jesus: Submission

  • May 21, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Do you ever feel like your payers aren’t heard or answered? In this passage, Jesus teaches us to how pray so that we have assurance that God joyfully hears us. It all begins with submitting our will to the Father’s. When we pray “your kingdom come”, we are praying that God will be glorified through … [Read More…] Praying Like Jesus: Submission