Baptism: A Radical Act Of Obedience

  • August 6, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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In today’s Christian culture, baptism often appears optional. But what does scripture really teach about the importance of baptism? Jesus spoke about baptism in an unequivocal way: baptism is a radical act of obedience to the radical call of Christ to repent and hear the gospel. It is meant to be a public display of … [Read More…] Baptism: A Radical Act Of Obedience

Do You Know Him?

  • July 16, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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Do you really know Jesus? Or do you just know a lot about Him? Many people have a lot of information about Jesus, but they don’t really know Jesus. They have the head knowledge, but not the heart. There are three attributes of people who really know Jesus.   Luke 7:36-50

The Advantages of Singleness

  • June 11, 2017
  • BY admin
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The Bible calls singleness a “gift” and encourages singles to take advantage of its unique opportunities for your joy and the good of others. Some people are called to singleness, and embracing the freedoms of singleness can significantly contribute to the kingdom of God.   1 Corinthians 7:32-25

Giving That Pleases God

  • May 21, 2017
  • BY admin
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Why is God so concerned with our financial giving? It’s a matter of our priorities for the Kingdom of God, and where we find our security. Our giving is a form of worship to the Lord. There are five qualities of giving that pleases God: we are to give kindly, to give uniquely, to give … [Read More…] Giving That Pleases God


  • April 30, 2017
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How can we be effective witnesses for Christ? The parable of the sower teaches us to be radical, reckless, relentless sowers of the gospel wherever we go. We are sent to scatter the gospel everywhere, at all times, and to everyone. We aren’t smart enough to know if a person is ready to receive the … [Read More…] Scatter

Knowing Jesus: The Great Exaltation

  • January 15, 2017
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How did God the Father respond to Jesus’ humility? Jesus’ name is often dragged through the mud in our sinful world. But what Satan intends for evil, God will ultimately glorify. The Father has an infinite delight in the Son, because the Son esteems the Father and chose to suffer the worst of deaths rather … [Read More…] Knowing Jesus: The Great Exaltation

Living Worthy Lives

  • November 27, 2016
  • BY admin
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What does it mean to live a life worthy of the gospel? Because God has changed our lives, we are to live changed lives. In this passage, we see that there are three characteristics of lives worthy of Christ. First, we must stand united with other believers for the glory of God; we should have … [Read More…] Living Worthy Lives

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