Light and Glory

  • January 8, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
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What kind of story are we living in? Is life a comedic story? Or is it a tragic story? We call those who see life as a comedy, optimists. Their cheery outlook drives innovation, entertainment, and hopefulness. As for those who see life as a tragic story, we call them pessimists. They are honest about … [Read More…] Light and Glory

Freedom and Joy

  • January 3, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

Two gifts from the Lord that are available to every follower of Jesus no matter what they are going through. These two gifts are essential in helping us face the pain of living in a broken and fallen world and fight the temptations that it brings. And without them, we are far weaker and more … [Read More…] Freedom and Joy

The Upending Begins

  • December 27, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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In the business world, most of the time companies are competing in an established market, each trying to marginally outdo the others. But every so often, a market disruptor breaks in.   Instead of competing in the existing market space, disruptors redefine the space altogether. Disruptors break in and upend everything, changing the world as … [Read More…] The Upending Begins

The Song of Silence

  • December 11, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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What do you do when God sets you aside for a season? When you can’t do normal, but have to learn to wait on Him? There’s lots of circumstances God can use to set us aside: career interruptions; health challenges; romantic breakups; job searches; and family crises.   In today’s passage, Zechariah’s season of being … [Read More…] The Song of Silence

The World Turned Upside-Down

  • December 4, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Sometimes in a movie, the scenes cut back and forth between two different characters in what appears to be two distinct plotlines…only for their storylines to suddenly merge unexpectedly.   Something like that is happening in our text this morning. We’ve met Zechariah and Elizabeth, and rejoiced with them when the angel Gabriel told them … [Read More…] The World Turned Upside-Down

Conceiving Hope

  • November 27, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Dr. Luke is documenting for us the life and times of Jesus. But it’s interesting that he doesn’t start with Jesus. Instead, his gospel begins with a scene in the Temple, as an aged priest lights the incense, and an angel named Gabriel appears to him announcing that he and his wife of many childless … [Read More…] Conceiving Hope

Breaking the Silence

  • November 20, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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In the Gospel of Luke, we encounter a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus.   Jesus is the King who came to serve.  He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us.  From His … [Read More…] Breaking the Silence

Stop It!

  • November 13, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

The troubles of this world can be heavy to bear. The future is uncertain, and the present is filled with difficulty and pain. How are we supposed to navigate this all by ourselves?   In this sermon from John 14, Pastor McCarthy shares with us a simple message: Stop It!   Stop running on the … [Read More…] Stop It!

Awaiting the Dawn

  • November 6, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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This final sermon from the book of Malachi is about hope. Hope is something we can’t live without. Hope gives us reason to endure. Hope lifts our eyes beyond the shadows to the dawning of the light.   And as the Book of Malachi draws to a close, it ends with a wonderous vision of … [Read More…] Awaiting the Dawn

Faltering Faith

  • October 30, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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In this sermon, we explore the 6th and final dispute between God and the people of Israel. Previously, God was pouring out His heart in an appeal to the people to “test me in this” so that He would pour our His blessing on them, and to “return to me, and I will return to … [Read More…] Faltering Faith

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