Matthew 4:1–11 is a foundation to illustrate how Jesus prepared for his mission through fasting and resisting temptation.


Context of Matthew 4:

  • The passage follows Jesus’ baptism, where He identifies with humanity despite having no need for repentance.
  • Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted, which demonstrates both His humanity and divine nature.

4 Lessons we learn about fasting:

  1. Obedience: Jesus’ immediate obedience to God’s direction, despite the harsh conditions, underscores the importance of responding promptly to God’s commands.
  2. Empty to Be Filled: Fasting, as demonstrated by Jesus, is not just abstaining from food but an intentional act to gain spiritual strength and perspective.
  3. The Sufficiency of the Word: Jesus relies on Scripture to resist temptation, highlighting the importance of using God’s Word as a defense against sin.
  4. Desperation vs. Preparation: Jesus’ example shows us not to fast out of desperation but to fast during preparation as well