You know, they say there’s two subjects you don’t bring up in polite conversation: politics and religion. Convictions run deep, tempers can run hot, and it usually ends up in an argument. Well, today we dove into how the religious leaders tried to trap Jesus with these very topics, attempting to undermine His authority. But Jesus, calm, clever, and collected, brilliantly outmaneuvered them, remaining laser-focused on what truly matters.


First, they challenged Jesus on paying taxes to Caesar, hoping to paint Him as a political rebel or a Roman sympathizer. With the simple question, “Whose image is on this coin?”, Jesus highlighted their dependence on a system ruled by Caesar while emphasizing God’s ultimate claim on their lives. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God’s.” Give Caesar your money, fine, but give God your everything. You bear His image.


Next, the Sadducees, those who deny the resurrection, presented a convoluted scenario about a woman with seven husbands, aiming to expose the supposed absurdity of resurrection life. Jesus cut through their smokescreen, reminding them that earthly marriage points to the ultimate covenant love of God. In the resurrection, we will all belong to God, experiencing a love that transcends our earthly understanding. He then challenged their skepticism by pointing to God’s self-revelation to Moses, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” the God not of the dead, but of the living!


These traps reveal how easily we get distracted by political fights and religious debates, losing sight of the bigger picture. Jesus reminds us to keep the main thing the main thing: the ultimacy of God, the eternality of souls, and the supremacy of hope. We were created by and for God, destined for eternal life in His presence. This is the hope we cling to, the truth that should shape our lives.


So, friends, let’s not be co-opted into someone else’s lesser agenda. Let’s not get derailed by divisive debates or political maneuvering. Instead, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who stayed the course to the cross and beyond. Let’s live as gospel people, centered on the unshakeable truth of God’s love and the glorious hope of resurrection life. Let’s keep the main thing the main thing!