What is a good person? It’s quite an important question. Have you ever felt like you knew someone who seemed like such a good person and then one day, it all came crashing down? 


Have you ever wondered if you are a good person? 


Consider these 4 parables that Jesus preaches in the Sermon of the Plain: 

  • The Blind Leading the Blind 
  • The Speck and the Log 
  • The Fruit and the Tree 
  • The House Built on a Rock 


In each of these 4 parables, Jesus offers a critique and a calling, as he teaches us what it means to be a good person. 


The Blind Leading the Blind 

Critique: You’re helplessly lost in the dark.

  • You can’t see to save yourself. 

Calling: I’m here to lead you into the light. 

  • If you want to become a good person, you need to step into the light. 
  • Jesus is here to lead you into the light. 


The Speck and the Log 

Critique: You’re obsessed with the problems of others. 

  • A symptom of our spiritual blindness is easily identifying the sins of others while remaining oblivious to our own sins. 

Calling: I’ll teach you to be responsible for yourself. 

  • Take the log out of your own eye, and then you’ll see clearly enough to help others. 
  • Because the biggest problem in your life isn’t somebody else, it’s you. 


The Fruit and the Tree 

Critique: You’re attempting behavior modification. 

  • Behavior flows from being. 
  • No amount of behavior modification will change the badness that’s in your heart. 

Calling: I’m offering you heart transformation. 

  • I’m calling you to come to me because I can give you a new heart. 
  • If you want to become a good person, you’ll need a good heart. 


The House Built on a Rock 

Critique: You’re in for a catastrophic wipeout 

  • A storm will come along that’ll expose your lack of foundation, and that “good person” image will collapse. 

Calling: I’m giving you the blueprint for an enduring life 


Takeaway: Come to me. Hear my words. Do them. And live!