Jesus: The King

In our study of the threefold office of Christ this Advent season, we’ve been exploring how Jesus ministers to us as Prophet, Priest, and King. These three distinct roles, often held by separate individuals in the Old Testament, are beautifully united and fulfilled in Jesus Christ.   Today, we’re focusing on Jesus as King. The … [Read More…] Jesus: The King

As we enter this season of Advent, we’re going to focus in on what theologians have called “The Threefold Office” of Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King. In the Old Testament, these three offices were held by different individuals, each of whom was anointed for their role. The prophets spoke the Word of God to the people. The priests were mediators on behalf of the people. And the kings served as ruling shepherds over the people. The long history of frail and fallible humans in these offices pointed forward to a greater Prophet, Priest, and King who was to come.

Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King

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Jesus is a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus. Jesus is the King who came to serve. He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us. From His place of glory, He came all the way down to the fringes of this broken world to redeem the very people everyone else had given up on.Jesus knew the secret to the upside-down kingdom: that in giving ourselves away, we actually get ourselves back.Come discover the beauty of Jesus, the Servant King, who invites us all to follow Him!

The Way of Jesus: The Gospel of Luke (Part 5)

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