Never A Nuisance
We often hesitate to approach God with our needs because we’ve learned not to bother important people. But that’s a mistake! Jesus assures us that we are never a nuisance to God. He longs to hear our prayers and bless us. In Luke 18, Jesus teaches us that pining for justice, pleading for mercy, … [Read More…] Never A Nuisance
For over 155 years, The Moody Church has been a place where the gospel is boldly proclaimed and lives have been transformed by the saving grace of Jesus. Today, we continue to be a church alive in Christ carrying on that mission. We are about to enter a new season under the leadership of Pastor Philip Miller, the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. How does Scripture guide us in preparing our hearts and minds as we anticipate his arrival in July?
A New Season
show moreWhat is the Christian life supposed to look like? How does real faith in God affect how we live in the real world? It’s more than right thought; it’s right living borne out of a relationship with God through Jesus. Drawing on wisdom from the Sermon on the Mount and the book of Proverbs, the letter from James shows us how to live out our faith by addressing everyday issues with practical instruction, and reveals how real faith has an impact on real life.